Info Stands / Theater / Info Walls / Talks / Workshops and much more

——————- Stage/Outside ——————–
19.00 ——————– Political Theater: Deconstructing Racism and Discrimination
—————— Antira/BiPoC Room ——————
17.00 – 00.00 ———– Open: infos here
18.30 ——————– Opening with Rohan Zhou-Lee (BiPoC only)
20.15 ——————– «Cultural Appropriation»: Another discussion (open to all people!)
———————- CINEMA ———————-
17.00 ——————– Genova Antifascista and C.A.L.P. – Political Input
——————- Stage/Outside ——————–
20.00 ——————– NZOY TRIBUTE With Nongoma / Nebiyah / Simbas´ave / Amuka Sasa
—————— Antira/BiPoC Room ——————
15.00 – 00.00 ———– Open: infos here
15.00 ——————– Campaign «Copwatch.CH» (open for all)
18.30 ——————– Anti-racist Performance by Rohan Zhou-Lee (BiPoC only)
The entire proceeds of the UN!TE will flow into these four projects: (click HERE)